User accounts

Working with users

This article covers adding, editing and removing user accounts.

Note: You will need the admin permission 'Create and edit users, roles, and teams' to add, edit or remove user accounts. Learn more

  • Click here if you want to add or edit a user account.
  • Click here if you want to remove (de-activate) a user account.
  • Click here if your organisation has implemented SSO and you need to manage your user accounts.

Adding/editing users

  1. Switch to Admin mode via your user account menu.
  2. Select Users under the Administration menu.  
  3. Click Create user or use Search to find the user you want to edit.
  4. Complete/edit the required fields:

    User setup:

    Select the appropriate licence type for the user.  Click here to read more about user Licences.

    You can also check your current licence subscription details via your Company account page to ensure you have sufficient licences. 

    Status Status must be set to Active for the user to access the platform. Changing to Inactive will terminate the user's account.  

    User onboarding email (Add-on feature)

    These panel will appear once a user account is created, allowing you to send an onboarding email to your new user account.
    Send email

    Click the Send email button to send an email to the user containing useful information for new users such as about getting started with Logiqc, and other information decided by your organisation.    

    Send test email to me Click this button to send a test email to yourself.  

    User contact details:
    Title (optional)
    First name  
    Second name  

    Select from the drop-down of available positions.  Positions ticked have already been allocated to users.  If you do not have a spare position, leave unallocated and add the position later. 

    Learn more about creating user positions

    Position/Employee number (optional)
    Phone/Mobile (optional)
    Email Email address - This must be a valid email address.  This will be the address all platform notifications such as meetings and task reminders will be sent to. Additionally it should not be a shared email address.  This will also be the address any password reset requests will be sent to.
    Fax (optional)

    User account details 

    Username  Logiqc recommends using the users work email address for the user name.  For organisations that have implemented SSO, the user name will automatically be set to the users work email address.

    Assign the user to a role.  Roles set the permissions of what a user can do in the Logiqc platform.  (Users can be added to multiple roles)

    Learn more


    Assign the user to a team.  Teams define what a user can see in the Logiqc platform. (Users can be added to multiple teams).  

    Learn more


    Password must contain at least 8 characters with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and at least one special character.

    For organisations that have implemented SSO, this field will be inactive as the user will authenticate via their organisations login credentials.

    Business area Assign the user to the Business area they belong to.
    My Team If the user will be managing other users in the platform, add the users here.  This will enable them to view any of their tasks under 'My team's tasks' in the Tasks register.  The user can fill out this field later.

    Reminders and notifications

    The platform sends email notifications to users regarding tasks assigned to them, as well as reminders for upcoming due tasks. You have the option to customise the frequency and day of these task reminder notifications. Additionally, you can choose to receive reminders only if there are overdue items.

    Frequency (weeks) for overdue reminders  
    Day/s of the week to send the reminder  
    Only send reminder if there are overdue items  
    Calendar integration URL You can add LogiqcQMS to your Outlook calendar.  Click Generate to generate your platform calendar URL.  This will be the link you will use when adding to your calendar. Learn more
    Learn more about notifications generated in the Logiqc platform.
  5. Open the Permissions section and take a look at the default permissions that have been assigned based on the selected Role/s. You also have the option to assign customised permissions specifically for this user.

    Permissions define what users are authorised to do in the platform and are determined by their licence, the roles they have been assigned to, and the specific permission settings in their account. Role-based permissions can be overridden by denying the permission in the user's account.
    Role default:  Permissions set by the user’s role.
    Grant:  Override the role default and grant the user permission regardless of the role settings.
    Deny:  Override the role default and deny the user permission regardless of the role settings.
  6. Click Save to add/update the user account.

Removing a user account

To remove a user account you simply make the account inactive, which will deactivate the user account preventing the user from accessing the platform.  Removing users requires administrative permissions. Learn more 

Caution: When you deactivate a user account, the assigned user position will be removed and flagged as 'Unassigned'. Any tasks associated with the position will remain unallocated until they are reassigned to another user.

Note:  If the user has any training or licencing tasks assigned, these will be automatically closed off once the user account has been deactivated.

To read how to reassign tasks click here

To deactivate a user account

Note:  If the user account is listed as the Primary Contact or Finance Contact on the Account page, you will not have the ability to deactivate their user account. Instead, you will need to remove them and replace them with another user on the Account page.  Learn more

  1. Switch to Admin mode via your account menu
  2. Under the Administration menu on the left of the window, select Users
  3. Find the user you wish to remove and click on their name to open their contact card.
  4. Change their status to Inactive
    • If there are tasks assigned you will receive a system notification.  You can still make the account inactive and manage the assigned tasks and responsibilities later.
    • If the user account is listed as the Primary Contact or Finance Contact on the Account page, you will be notified that you cannot disable the user account.
  5. Click SAVE to make the account inactive.  When you return back to Users, the account will be highlighted in a mustard colour.



For organisations that have implemented Single Sign on (SSO)

When you have SSO implemented, there is no need for you to manually create user accounts in the Logiqc platform. The process of adding new users is handled by your IT admin through the user provisioning process. All you have to do is provide your IT admin with a list of users who require access to the Logiqc platform.  

When Provisioned User accounts are provisioned into the platform, they will be inactive. To activate a user account, follow the instructions below. Note: Inactive user accounts do not use up Logiqc licenses. A licence is assigned once you activate a user account 

To activate and setup user accounts, a user requires the admin permission 'Create and edit users, roles, and teams'.

To activate a provisioned user:

  1. Switch to Admin mode via your user account menu.
  2. Select Users under the Administration menu.  
  3. Select the toggle 'Show inactive users'
  4. Find the user account you want to activate.  Their status will be 'awaiting activation - Yes'
  5. Open their user account and set their account status to Active.  You will then need to edit the following fields in their account (refer to the section above 'Adding/editing users for more information).
    1. Licence
    2. Position
    3. Roles
    4. Teams
    5. Business areas
  6. Save your changes.

Note:  The email address, username and password fields cannot be edited.

Once the user account has been activated and set up, provide the user with your Logiqc platform's web address (URL).  They will authenticate via your company network account to access the platform.

To remove a provisioned user:

To remove a user, your IT administrator should remove the user from the Logiqc enterprise application in your organisations Azure Active Directory.  The user account will immediately be inactive, preventing the user from accessing the Logiqc platform. 

Any assigned tasks and responsibilities will need to be managed.