
About admin permissions

Administration permissions allows users to manage users and system settings in the platform.

There are two groups of admin permissions:

  1. Super admin permissions
  2. Admin permissions

Super admins have the highest possible permissions in the platform. Super admins can grant all admin permissions and the permission to see all items to themselves and other users.

Caution: Super admins should be selected carefully as they have very powerful permissions and can grant those permissions to others.

Users who simply need to manage users and system settings do not need to be super admins. The basic admin permissions listed below are sufficient for these functions.  

Similarly, users who need to see all items shouldn't necessarily have the permission to grant that permission to others. In other words, to see all items, they only need the See all items permission. They don't need to be super admins.  

Assigning too many Super admins is a security risk and we recommend that you have between 2 and 4 Super admins.

Super Admin permissions

Note: If your platform does not currently have a Super admin user, you can request Logiqc to set one up for your organisation. The CEO or an equivalent authority can nominate one or more Super admin users. Once you have at least one Super admin user, they will have the ability to assign Super Admin permissions to other users and roles. This ensures that the platform is effectively managed and administered by authorised personnel.



Minimum licence required

Grant super admin permissions to users

Allows the user to grant super admin permissions to themselves and other users. Approval

Grant view all items permissions to users

Allows the user to grant permission to see all items in the platform to themselves and other users. This overrides the Access control settings.  Approval
Edit account page Allows the user to make changes to the Account page such as changing the Primary Contact details External user licence
Edit subscription page Allows users to place orders for user licences, registers or add-on features via the Subscription page in the Administration menu  Approval

Basic Admin permissions

Permission Description Minimum licence required

Grant admin permissions to users

Allows the user to grant just the basic admin permissions to themselves and other users. 


Create and edit users, roles, and teams Allows the user to create/edit roles, teams and users External user licence
Edit system configuration Allows the user to manage the system such as editing the system menus, System setup, Risk and Severity menus, Business rules, Dashboard configuration External user licence
Edit system settings Allows the user to edit the System settings page External user licence
Edit API keys Allows the user to create, view and edit API keys. Relates to optional API related integration features.  External user licence
Hide items Allows the user to hide items from view for users without this permission. Action

Example admin roles you could create in your platform:

Users can have multiple roles. This means that you can assign multiple admin roles to a single user to match what they need to do in the system. Having separate roles makes it easier to manage when a user needs to have only a very scope of permissions.

Admin role name

Permissions granted to the role

Minimum licence required

Super admin

Grant super admin permissions to users

Grant view all items permissions to users

Hide items

Edit account page

Edit subscription page


Account administrator

Edit account page


System administrator

Grant admin permissions to users

Edit system configuration

Edit system settings

Hide items


User Administrator

Grant admin permissions to users

Create and edit users, roles, and teams

External user licence

Integration admin

Edit system settings

Edit API keys

External user licence

Assigning admin permissions

Like any permissions these permissions can be assigned to Roles or Users and a minimum licence type applies.

Assigning admin permissions to Roles:
You can manage Admin permissions via Roles.  Simply create an role and select the admin permissions required for the role.  Learn more

Assigning admin permissions to Users:
You can manage Admin permissions at the User account level. Learn more

    Assigning admin permissions to users with External user licences:
    Your system comes with a small number of free External user licences for people to who do not have Logiqc user accounts but still need access for certain functions such as external auditors (to access the platform for accreditation audits) or IT administrators (to access the platform for managing API keys).  You can create a user account with the External user licence for these types of users. Learn more