Welcome to the Knowledge Base


We've posted answers and solutions to some of our frequently asked support questions

Platform fundamentals

Platform basics including logging in, searching and filtering lists, workflows, editing and exporting.

Learning resources

Access to the LogiqcQMS academy for learning sessions and certificate courses.

Building your QMS

Resources and tools to help build a governance framework and implementation plan for your QMS.

Users and permissions

Managing user accounts and permissions including how to activate Single Sign-On.

Meetings and teams

Schedule and manage meetings to monitor tasks and strengthen accountability.

Dashboards and analytics

Monitor trends, analyse data and generate reports.

Documents, contracts and records

Adding, managing, reviewing and publishing documents, contracts and records.

Audit and compliance

Scheduling, completing and closing audits and compliance tasks.

Training and licensing

Scheduling, completing and closing training and licencing checks.

Incident management

Reporting and managing incidents, near miss and hazards.

Complaints and feedback

Reporting and managing feedback and complaints.

Improvement and non-conformance

Reporting and managing improvement opportunities and non-conformances.

Assets, maintenance and repairs

Managing assets and reporting faults and maintenance requirements.

Supplier management

Adding, managing and reviewing the performance of key suppliers.

Risk management

Identify, rate and mitigate risk within your organisation.

Accreditation management

Record and link evidence to demonstrate compliance with standards.

System administration

Configure and maintain your QMS.

Latest features and updates

Latest features, updates, and improvements released to the LogiqcQMS platform.