Scheduling and managing training
  1. Training and licensing
  2. Scheduling and managing training

About the Training register

Use the Training register to ensure staff, supplier and contractor qualifications are checked and related documentation is uploaded.

Training register workflow

The Stage Navigation Bar displays the workflow stages that the training task will follow once scheduled. 

  1. Training details - In this stage describe the training requirements, define the instructions, link related agreements and other documentation, and assign who will complete and close the training task. These details only need to be set once as the information is automatically copied to the next occurrence of the task in the schedule. 
    Note: all training tasks assigned to a user or business contact, will automatically be halted by LogiqcQMS when the user's profile / business contact's profile is made 'inactive'.  
  2. Action stage - In this stage the Action officer completes the training task. Progress notes can also be made and records can be attached. 
  3. Close stage - In this stage the Approval officer will close the training task or delegate further action if required.

Training register tabs

When you navigate to the Training register the following tabs are displayed:

In progress Displays training tasks currently in progress and assigned to a user.
Closed Displays all current, closed and future training tasks including those which have been skipped.
All Displays current, closed and future training tasks which are scheduled but not yet due to be assigned to a user.
Training schedule Displays your organisation's current training program.  
Draft Displays draft training tasks which can be saved prior to being assigned and scheduled.

Training register columns

Use the Edit columns button to chose which columns to display in your view. Some columns are not available in all tabs. Here is a list of available columns across all tabs:

Action Officer The person assigned to complete or co-ordinate the training task.
Action history A chronological record of all the instructions and actions that have been recorded at each stage of the workflow up until now.
Approver The person who will approve and close off the training task.
Assigned to Who the training task is currently assigned to.
Business area Business area that relates to the training type.  This is the secondary business area that sits under the Primary Business area.  Example:  Governance/Clinical Governance.
Closed by The person who approved and closed the training task. (Appears in the Closed and All tabs)
Date Added The date the draft training task was added.  (Appears in 'Draft' tab)
Date modified The date the draft training task was last modified (Appears in 'Draft' tab)
Date closed The date the training task was approved and closed. (Appears in the 'Closed', 'Training schedule' and 'All' tabs)
Description of qualification received A description of the training qualification completed.  Added by the Training participant in the Action stage.
Due date The training task approval due date.
Frequency The frequency of the Training as programmed in the schedule, i.e. every 6 months.
ID# Logiqc ID number of the training task.
Instructions Training instructions the action officer must follow to complete the training task.
Meeting The Logiqc meeting the training program relates to.
Primary business area The Primary business area that relates to the training program.  This sits above Business area which is the secondary business area.  For example:  Governance/Clinical Governance.
Related items Other register items linked to the training task.
Series The current series of the training task.  For example:  October 2023
Stage The current workflow stage of the training task
Start date The scheduled start date of the training task.  This is the action task.
Status training task status - Upcoming, Due this week, Overdue
Training undertaken Was the training completed, Yes/No  - Selected in the Close stage by the approver.
Viewing permission/teams Access control - Which assigned teams can see it
Viewing permission/users Access control - Which additional users (outside the assigned teams) can see it

Learn more about editing your register columns view.

Tip:  When you export a list, the export will only include the columns you have chosen to display in your your view.

Training details form tabs

The Training details form comprises two tabs:

Description Contains the details and schedule of the training task.  For a full description of the details form and programming a schedule, click on the following article: Schedule a training task
Series Displays all the training tasks in the series as per the schedule. (see Form series component description below)

Series tab

All the training tasks of the series are listed, including closed, current and the next upcoming task not yet assigned.  The list also shows any records attached to the training task.  

Tip:  The Series tab is a valuable tool for quickly assessing a training schedule. It provides a comprehensive overview of completed training tasks, the current status of open tasks, and the upcoming task in the series. By utilising this tab, you can identify overdue training and be sure that you are working on the correct training task in the series. 

Training Schedule

This component enables you to schedule your training and set the frequency. You can program once off training tasks or program a training series with a recurring schedule.

Closing and skipping a training task.

The Schedule component also allows you to close the current training task and skip to the next task in the series.  This is useful if training has been missed and the next in the series has been generated.  Learn more.

You can also choose to close and halt the training schedule which will close the current training task and prevent future tasks in the series being generated.  Note:  If other training tasks in the series have been generated, they will need to be closed off.  Learn more.

Next steps:  To learn how to schedule a training task, click on the following article:  Schedule a training task