Scheduling and managing training
  1. Training and licensing
  2. Scheduling and managing training

Schedule a training task

The Training register manages the checking of staff certificates and competencies. You can schedule a single or recurring task and the platform will automatically delegate and communicate what needs to be done.

Quick steps to scheduling training

  1. Go to the Training register and click the FAB and select Training
  2. Complete the training details
  3. Schedule the training
  4. Submit


Form tabs

When you click on the FAB to schedule a new training task, the Training details page will contain 2 tabs:

  1. Description tab - Contains the details and schedule of the training task.  This is where you schedule your training.
  2. Series tab - Displays all the training tasks in the series as per the schedule. (This tab is not relevant when scheduling a new training task - Learn more)

Description tab components

Training details Describes the training task and creates links to related contracts and other associated documents, and defines the instructions.  
Schedule Where you schedule the frequency and recurrence pattern for the training task.
Assign Where you assign the users to complete and close the training task.
Attach records Where you can attach files relevant to the training.
System event history A chronological list maintained by the system of most entries, changes, and linkages made in the system in relation to this training. 

Training details

This component enables you to describe the training task, link related contracts/agreements, and set the instructions for the Action officer.  

  • Training type - select the name of the training
    Note: Free type it - if the applicable 'training type' does not present as an option on the list, tick this box and the field will convert to a 'free text' field where you can add the details manually.
  • Participant - select either 'LOGIQC User' or 'Contact.

LOGIQC User - refers to those who have a User profile in the LogiqcQMS 

Contact - refers to those who have a profile on the Business Contacts

  • Next step - select the name/s of the training participants
    Note: if multiple names are selected, this will generate a separate training task for each person selected when the form is submitted.
    Note: the name of each person selected will automatically populate in the Action officer field, however, this can be manually changed, as required.  
  • Related agreement (optional) - select related contract from your Contract register. You can search by the name or use the scroll on the right hand side. 
    Note: in selecting a Contract, a link to the training task will be added to the selected Contract. This functionality is useful, when a contract specifies training requirements. 
  • Reference documents (optional) - select related document/s. You can search by the name or use the scroll on the right hand side. 
    Note: A hyperlink to the the document/s will appear as a link at the Action stage for the Action officer.
  • Instruction type - this is an optional feature that links to the Task Instructions Library. This feature is an add-on for the Maintenance register designed to save time when scheduling tasks by providing access to a menu of built-in instructions to choose from. The Task Instructions Library includes over 100 examples of typical task instructions. 
  • Instructions - define the instructions for the training task. 
  • The following example illustrates how sequential and concise instructions could help the Action officer. 

Training Schedule

This component enables you to schedule the licensing task and set the frequency.

  • Click on Schedule to open the scheduler.
  • Approval due date - select the date the training task is next to be completed. 
    Note: exclude time for the Approval officer to approve the training task.
  • Action days - number of days the Action officer has to complete the training task.
  • Approval days - number of days the Approval officer has to the approval the training task. Note: Based on the Action due date, the scheduler will calculate and display when the reminder email will be sent (Start date), the deadline for the Action officer (Action deadline) and the Approval due date.
  • Frequency - If the training task is required to be completed more than once, select the required frequency eg Monthly. If the training task is required to be completed only once, select Once off. 
  • Recurrence - select the frequency 'pattern' the training task is to occur within the period selected, eg. every 1 year or every 3 years. Depending on the frequency pattern selected you will be presented with different options to set the 'pattern'. 

  • End - The schedule will default to 'No end' which means new training tasks will continue to be automatically created according to the schedule. Alternatively, you can set the behaviours with the following options:
    No end - select this option if the training task is to continue repeatedly
    End after - select this option if the training task is to End after a specified number of times, eg 4
    End after - select this option if the training task is to End after a certain date, eg. 20/6/22
    Halt schedule - select this option when the training task is to be halted (stopped)
  • Click OK to set the schedule.


This component enables you to set who will complete (Action officer) and who will close (Approval officer) the training task. It's important that these choices align with organisational delegations relating to the management of mandatory and other training requirements. 

  • Action officer - select the staff member responsible for conducting the training task..
    Note: the name of the participant' who has been selected in the field titled Participant/s (referred to earlier) will have automatically populated in the Action officer field. If this is not the person who will be completing the training task, select Assign to a different action officer and select the Action officer. This flexibility accommodates instances where the Action officer is not the trainee, but another staff member, eg HR officer.  
  • Approval officer - select the staff member who is accountable to close the training task.
  • Related business area - select the business area the trainee works in eg. clinic.
  • Related meeting - select the meeting that has oversight responsibility for training. 

Access control

The Access control component is where you define which users have access to view the item. You can grant access to a team or individual users, or both.

All users can access Select this option if you would like all users to be able to view the item.
Specify who can access Select this option to control which users can view this item.
Teams  Select the team/s who need to view the item.
Individual users Select specific users (if they are not included in the selected team/s) who need to view the item.
Who can view?

Click this button to see a list of users who can see the item based on your selection. The list will also include those users assigned to the item in the workflow.

Note: Users with system level permissions to see all items will also be included.

Attach records

This component enables you to attach records such as correspondence. Records can be attached at each stage of the workflow. Click Attach to add records.

Note: When scheduling the training task, it's unlikely that you will attached records at this time. It is more likely that records will be attached when the task is being actioned.

  • Record name - When naming the record ensure the description is meaningful. For example, 'Manual Handling Training - Harper Whitley - 2022'.
  • Record Category: - select from the list, the type of record eg. 'Certificate - Training' 
  • File or Link - click on Choose file and navigate to the record on your computer.  If you have links enabled, toggle to change the control to add a URL to the record. The URL must be a in a web (http://) or Microsoft Sharepoint format (https://<company>
  • Viewing permissions - by default, the viewing permissions for the record will inherit the viewing permissions set in the Assign component on the training details form, however, you can apply a different level of access for the record. This is because the record itself can also be accessed via the Records register.  

Submit/save the form

The green Submit button will save the form and create the first training check as a future action.

If you want to create a separate related/linked item you can select the relevant register in the  Create a related item component. When you press Submit, the platform will launch a new item in the register you selected. For example, if the training has raised an issue in relation to staff competencies, you could select the Improvement option to create a new item in that register. The platform will display a link between the two items in the System event history.

You can choose to save the training task as a draft. In choosing this option, you will be able to complete all components of the form with the exception of assigning the Action officer and the Approval officer.

Click Save as draft and the training task will be saved in the Draft tab on the Training register.