Users and positions
  1. LogiqcQMS FAQ
  2. Users and positions

How can I reassign tasks and responsibilities from an old position to a new position?


LogiqcQMS attaches tasks and responsibilities (eg Document owner) to positions, not to the actual user. This means that tasks and responsibilities will follow the position if you re-assign the position to a different user. The exception to this is Training and Licensing tasks. These tasks will 'follow' the user if they are assigned to a new position and they will be automatically cancelled if the user is made inactive. 


  1. In each register use Filters to find the items assigned to the old position (you can search in the relevant fields by typing the position name).  
  2. Open each item, or use Bulk edit if you have access to the feature, to reassign the tasks or responsibilities to the user with the new position.
  3. In Admin/Setup lists, disable unused positions if they are no longer required.

Learn more:

  • Reassigning tasks - This article describes finding tasks belonging to another position and reassigning them to a new position.
  • Reassigning responsibilities - This article describes finding items that a previous user position was responsible for, such as managing documents or contracts and reassigning them.
  • Editing a user position - Refer to the section regarding disabling a user position