Subscription Management
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  2. Subscription Management

In-App Ordering: Everything you need to know

A complete guide to managing your subscription through the 'In-app ordering' feature in Logiqc.

This feature is available to all Logiqc customers with an active subscription.  


  1. Introduction to the in-app ordering feature (video)
    1. Live webinar recording
  2. Permissions required for in-app ordering
  3. Using the in-app ordering feature
    1. Creating a quote
    2. Placing an order
    3. Reviewing an order
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  5. Get in touch with the Logiqc team

Introduction to the 'in-app ordering' feature

The 'in-app ordering' feature in Logiqc is designed to provide you with subscription control, immediate access to information about features you may wish to explore, instant delivery of licence changes and help provide the visibility you need to maximise your Logiqc subscription for your organisation's needs.    

Key functionality:

  • Complete visibility: gain visibility over what is in your current subscription with Logiqc, and what isn't! Explore any items of interest directly within your Logiqc platform.  
  • Permission control: control who can change your Logiqc subscription through the permissions specifically designed for this feature. 
  • Instant licence changes: gain instant access to the licences you need (or don't need) and see this reflected in your future billing.   
  • Quoting: See the full range of Logiqc's products and create a quote right within your Logiqc platform. Print or locally save this quote for internal sign off prior to completing an order. 
  • Instant ordering: place an order within the Logiqc platform to suit the requirements of your business at any point in time. 

Live webinar

This webinar is available on the Logiqc Learning Academy! Click here to check it out.

Self-serve: In-app ordering

  • Permissions: 05:50
  • Ordering: 7:30
  • Quoting: 11:45

Permissions required for in-app ordering

Permissions can be granted on a per role, or per user level within Logiqc.

Granting the permission to a Role

Granting permission to a Role within Logiqc, will mean that any user with this role will have access to the in-app ordering feature. Click here for more details.

  1. In the navigation bar, select the Account menu (your name)
  2. From the dropdown, select Admin mode
  3. From the left-had side navigation, select Roles
  4. On a role with the "Approval" Licence Type*, select the edit icon
  5. In the panel, scroll to locate the "Edit subscription" permission in the Super Admin section of the panel. Select the tick box next to the permission.
  6. Select save

*This permission can only be granted to a role with an "Approval" licence type. The permission will not display for a role with another Licence Type. 

Granting the permission to a User

Granting permission to a User within Logiqc, will mean that this specific user in the platform will have access to the in-app ordering feature. 

  1. In the navigation bar, select the Account Menu (your name)
  2. From the dropdown, select Admin mode
  3. From the left-had side navigation, select Users
  4. On a user with the "Approval" Licence*, select their name (in blue)
  5. Scroll to the Permissions section of the user form 
  6. Within the SuperAdmin section of Permissions, locate the "Edit Subscription page" permission. Select the grant tick box next to the permission.
  7. Select save at the end of the form

*This permission can only be granted to a role with an "Approval" licence. The permission will not display for a role with another type of Licence. 

Using the in-app ordering feature

This feature requires specific permissions to complete the below steps. Click here to learn how to enable the permission for a Role or User. 

Create a quote

To create a quote and print this from Logiqc:

  1. In the navigation bar, select the Account Menu (your name)
  2. From the dropdown, select Admin mode
  3. From the left-had side navigation, select Subscription
  4. Navigate through the form, selecting the drop downs, exploring the "Learn more" links
  5. On items you would like to update, select the "+" or "-" within the "Select order quantity" column.
  6. Select "Next"
  7. (Optional) Complete the fields available at the end of the form
  8. Select "Print quote"
  9. Select "Download"

Need to edit your quote? Select "Edit order" and repeat the process from step 5. 

Place an order

Check out live webinar to see a video of how to do this! 

To place an order in Logiqc:

  1. In the navigation bar, select the Account Menu (your name)
  2. From the dropdown, select Admin mode
  3. From the left-had side navigation, select Subscription
  4. Navigate through the form, selecting the drop downs, exploring the "Learn more" links
  5. On items you would like to update, select the "+" or "-" within the "Select order quantity" column
    1. Where you receive the below error, you will need to deactivate the current users with the licence type you would like to reconfigure. This will 'unassign' the licence and allow it to be removed from your subscription. Alternatively, if you're trying to upgrade a user to a new licence type and remove their existing licence, go to their user account and perform the upgrade before attempting to remove any unassigned licences. 

  6. Select "Next"
  7. (Optional) Complete the fields available at the end of the form
  8. Select the Terms and Conditions tick box
  9. Select Place order

Once an order is place, you will see in Logiqc your order confirmation number. This will also be provided in a confirmation email. Need to review your order? Click here to see how.

Reviewing order history

To review your Logiqc in-app order history:

  1. In the navigation bar, select [Your name]
  2. From the dropdown, select Admin mode
  3. From the left-had side navigation, select Subscription
  4. Scroll to the "Order history" section 
  5. Select the view icon

Where your organisation has placed orders with Logiqc in the past, this view will not display orders requested and processed directly with our team. Click here to find out how to contact us for subscription enquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. I want to buy a new licence for a user and cancel their existing licence at the same time but the platform says I can't remove the assigned licence.

    1. This could happen when you're trying to upgrade a user's licence and remove their existing licence at the same time and you don't have any spare licences in your platform. To manage this, you can set the user's account status to Suspended.  This will unassign the licence without deactivating the user which will allow you to successfully place the order. Once complete, you should immediately assign the new licence to the user and set their account to Active. If you don't do this, the user will not be able to log into the platform.   

  2. How do I know who can provision a user with 'Edit subscription' permission? 
    1. Go to your Company Account Page and quickly see the users with "SuperAdmin" permission to identify who has the ability to grant a Role or User access to this permission.  

Get in touch

The in-app purchasing feature will display the most relevant products and services for your organisation, however we appreciate every organisation is different and enquiries about your subscription are inevitable.

If you have questions, click here to get in touch with our team.