
I have a number of items assigned to ‘Position vacant’. How do I fix this?

Why is this happening?

When a position has tasks or responsibilities assigned to it but is not assigned to a user, the item will display 'Position vacant'. This can occur when a user account is made inactive or a user is moved to a different position and the original position is not assigned to another user.  Items displaying 'Position vacant' should be reassigned to a position that is assigned to an active user.

How do I manage this?

To manage these scenarios, you will need to find the items in each register and re-assign them to an active user. The following articles show you how to do this:

  • Reassigning tasks - This article describes how to find 'Position vacant' tasks and reassign them to other users to complete.
  • Reassigning responsibilities - This article describes how to find 'Position vacant' roles such as Document manager and reassign the responsibilities to another user.