Edit closed items

You've closed an item but realise you need to attach a record or make changes to the form. Here's how you manage this.

Closed items cannot be returned into the workflow, however, they can be re-opened to attach records or to make additional comments.

Other menu fields in closed register items can also be edited/re-coded using the Bulk edit feature.  Learn more.

Editing a closed item

Permission to edit a closed item:  In order to utilise the editing feature for a closed item, you must have the permission 'Edit closed items'.

This can be assigned via a role or directly to your user account.  Learn more

  1. Open the closed item and select Edit at the top of the page.

  2. The additional comments and attach records fields will become active.
  3. Select Additional comments and add any comments relating to the changes you are making,  This will be recorded in the Action history of the item.
  4. To attach records, go to the Attach records component and click + Attach
  5. Click Save