Adding and managing documents

Review a document

When a document is to be reviewed it will be sent for 'review'. Instructions for the review will be outlined in the review task and when the task has been completed the Document manager will be advised.

Quick steps to action an document review task:

  1. Go to the Task management component 
  2. Follow the instructions provided
  3. Select from the Task options provided
  4. Complete the required fields 
  5. Click Submit


When a document has been sent to you for review, it will be in the 'Review stage' of the workflow as per the following diagram:

Form components

Action history A chronological list of the instructions and actions recorded to date within each stage of the workflow.
Task management Your options for reviewing the document.
View document Where you can view and download the document.
System event history A chronological list maintained by the system of all entries and linkages in the system relating to this document.

Action history

This component displays the commentary by the assigned officers at each stage of the workflow and will include the instructions for action to be taken.    

Hover over the date to display who recorded the note. 

Task management 

A document has been assigned to you for review

Task options

Complete review

Select this option when you have taken all action as per the task instructions.

  • Reviewer Comments - add details of action taken. These comments will appear in the Action history and will be helpful in informing others of what action was taken.
  • Add new version (optional) - this provides you with the option to add a new version of the document. 
  • Record consultation undertaken about content - add details about who you have consulted with regarding the review of the document. This information will appear in the Action history.
  • Additional Comments (optional) - use this field to add any additional comments relating to the review of the document. These comments will appear in the Action history.

Make a progress note

Select this option when you have taken only part of the action as per the task instructions.

  • Progress note - add details of action taken. These comments will appear in the Action history and can be helpful in keeping others informed of what progress has been made to date in reviewing the document.
  • Note: when you make a progress note and submit the form, the task will remain with you in the 'Review stage'. It will only move to the next stage of the workflow when you select 'Complete review'.
  • Add new version (optional) -  this provides you with the option to add a new draft version of the document. 

Submit the form

Once a task option is selected, click the Save/Submit button to save the form and complete the task. Note: The button language will change to 'Next' if you are also responsible for the next stage in the workflow. 

Select Create a related item if you want to create a separate linked item on another register when you save the form. A link between the two items will be displayed in each item's System event history.