1. 7. Integrations

Logiqc API

REST API's for integrating with the Incident, Feedback, Repairs and Improvement registers

API is the acronym for application programming interface - software code that allows applications to talk to each other.

Logiqc's REST APIs enable you to report feedback, incidents, improvements and repairs from an external page or form such as a page on your company website or  a MS Forms page on your corporate Intranet.

Examples of using the Logiqc API

  • Connecting a consumer feedback or complaints form on your company website to the Feedback register in Logiqc
  • Connecting a custom form (eg a MS Form) to the Logiqc Incidents register for staff to report incidents.
  • Connecting a page on your company Intranet to the Logiqc Incidents register for staff to report incidents.
  • Integration with other platforms eg patient or client management system. 

Reporting items in Logiqc using the API

Upon submission of a report using the API, an item is automatically created as a 'draft' item in the corresponding register.

  • Designated user/s will receive an email notification alerting them to the draft item. In addition, a dashboard widget provides a clear list of drafts awaiting action along with the amount of time that has passed since they were received.
  • Users access the draft form by clicking on the item in the widget or going to the Draft tabs in the registers. Once the mandatory fields are completed, the item can be fully submitted and progressed to the Manage stage in the Logiqc workflow.

Limitations to be aware of when reporting via the API

  • Items created via the API will appear in Logiqc in a Draft state.
    When reports are submitted via the API they do not move directly to the Manage stage, instead they are created as draft items in Logiqc. This is because a customised external form may not include all the required fields Logiqc needs to submit the item into the workflow. The item will need to be reviewed and all mandatory fields completed before progressing the item further into the Logiqc workflow.
  • Business Rules will not apply
    Business Rules for reporting will not apply to an external form being completed by a staff member. Business Rules will only be applied when submitting the draft report into the workflow. 
  • Reporters will be anonymous
    Logiqc is not able to detect the identity of users when they are submitting an external form via the API. This means that users reporting items will be unauthenticated and their name and position will not automatically appear in the report. 
  • Reduced user support
    Only licenced users can access the platform and submit support requests to the Logiqc help desk. 
  • Reduced access control
    Limited ability to automatically assign viewing permissions until the item is submitted into the Logiqc workflow.
  • Reduced functionality
    Only licenced users can receive follow-up tasks. Some functionality, such as creating related improvement suggestions at the time of reporting, is not available when reporting via the API. 

Implementing the API

An integration engineer/web developer will use our API documentation to create and test the form you're providing to end users. 

Example of a form on your website that could be linked to Logiqc via the API:

When testing is complete and the form is ready to link to your Logiqc platform, the integration engineer will require an API key. To create an API key in Logiqc:

  1. In Admin mode, select API keys from the left nav bar (Your account will need permission to Edit API keys).
  2. Complete the Name, Expiry and IP filter fields and select Apply rate limit.  

Warning: API keys are 'doorways' to your platform and should be used and shared with extreme caution. In no circumstances  should they be made available to the public or be discoverable via your website or any other page on the Internet.  

Setting who is notified when an item is submitted via the API

Upon submission of a report using the API, an item is automatically created as a 'draft' item in the corresponding register.

An email notification is sent to specified users or email addresses. The are specified in the System Setting of the corresponding register as shown below.