Adding and managing documents

Add a document

The Documents register is central library for approved documents that can be accessed from any internet enabled device. After adding a document, it moves to the Manage stage for review prior to approval and publishing to the register.

Quick steps to adding a document:

  1. Go to the Document register and click the FAB and select Document
  2. Complete the Document details form
  3. Attach the document 
  4. Click Submit

Form components

Document details Describes and categorises the document and specifies the next review date.
Assign Where you can set the document manager and owner. 
Upload document  Where you will upload or link to the document file. 
System event history A chronological list maintained by the system of most entries, changes, and linkages made in the system in relation to this document. 


The Stage Navigation Bar displays the workflow stages that the document will follow once added (subject to the decisions made along the way).

Document details

This component allows you to describe and categorise the document, and specify the date the document is to be next reviewed.

  • Document name - add the name of the document.
  • Document ID number (optional add-on feature) - enter a document ID# as per your organisation's policy. A max character limit will be enforced and duplicate numbers with other documents are not permitted. 
  • Document type - select the type of document (a drop-down menu containing a customised list of document types relevant to your organisation e.g. policy, procedure, form).
  • Author - add the name of the organisation/department that originally developed the document.
  • Document review date - select the date the document is to be next reviewed.
  • Keywords (optional) - data in this field will be searched when you use the Search functionality at the register level as well as the Global search functionality. It is sometimes useful to use this field to add the 'common' name of a document to make it easier to find if the formal name of the document is not generally known. 
  • Record consultation undertaken about content(optional) - add additional details of who was consulted in the development of the document. Sometimes useful to record this information for historical purposes.
  • Additional comments (optional) - add additional comments text field to add further comments.  For noting, all comments are recorded in the Action history of the document.


This component is where you will assign the Document manager and the Document owner to ensure delegations and communication relating to the management of the document aligns with organisational requirements. 

  • Related business area - select the business area the document relates to
  • Related meeting - select the meeting that has oversight responsibility for the management of the document, or alternatively select the meeting that is to be kept informed when a new version has been approved. A reference to the document will be added to the agenda of the meeting, whenever the document is in the workflow.
  • Document manager - select the staff member who is responsible for managing the document.
  • Document owner - select the staff member who is accountable for the document.
  • Notify users by email (optional) - You can use this function to notify relevant personnel that the document has been added to the QMS, thereby providing them with a link to the document.  Note: users sent notifications relating to the document will need to be included in Viewing permissions to see the document.  

Access control

The Access control component is where you define which users have access to view the item. You can grant access to a team or individual users, or both.

All users can access Select this option if you would like all users to be able to view the item.
Specify who can access Select this option to control which users can view this item.
Teams  Select the team/s who need to view the item.
Individual users Select specific users (if they are not included in the selected team/s) who need to view the item.
Who can view?

Click this button to see a list of users who can see the item based on your selection. The list will also include those users assigned to the item in the workflow.

Note: Users with system level permissions to see all items will also be included.

Upload document

This component enables you to upload or link the document.

  • File/Link - click on Choose file and navigate to the document on your computer.  If you have links enabled, toggle to change the control to add a URL to the document. The URL must be a in a web (http://) or Microsoft Sharepoint format. (https://<company>
  • Set initial version number - This field only appears once when uploading a document for first time. If the document you're uploading already has a version number and you want to retain the numbering, you can set LogiqcQMS's internal version number to be in sync with the document. LogiqcQMS will increment a whole number each time a version is approved.  

Submit/save the form

The green Submit button will save the form and in most cases progress the item to the next stage of the workflow. The button label, however, will change depending on certain conditions to make it quicker to complete tasks. For example, if you assign the item to yourself to mange, the button label will change to 'Next' allowing you to manage the item without having to click through to another stage in the workflow.   

  • Create a related item - If you want to create a related/linked item after the upload is completed you can select the relevant register in the Create a related item component. When you press Submit, the platform will launch a new item in the register you selected. The platform will display a link between the two items in the System event history.
  • Quick publish - If you are the Document owner, you can skip the Manage and Approve stages by selecting Quick publish.  The Quick publish option will immediately approve the document and publish it to the Document register.
  • Submit/Next - The green Submit button will save the form, upload the document and move it to the Manage stage.