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August 2024: New features and updates


Reporting on Region in the Assets register 6219315015

The Region field in the Assets register is now available as a column and for filtering and exporting. 



More information about Repairs 7302411128

Assets linked to reports in the Repairs register are now presented in the Repair summary component. This will reduce the need to navigate to the Details page for more information.  



Action history now displays Identified issues and improvements  7159250466

When approving audits and other scheduled tasks, you can now see related improvement suggestions in the Action history component.  


Repair item report  5861850300

A new report option for all users is now available in the Repairs register in a new column called 'Report'. This new report summarises not just the repair report, but also includes the action taken and final outcome. Use the Edit columns control to display the Report column where you would like to see it on the register. 


Reporting on funded programs in Contracts register    7274633796

The programs/services funded by a contract can be listed in the Contracts details form. A new column in the register is now available to display funded programs and it will also appear on the export. 


Increased access to Logiqc subscription information 7194163469

All users with access to Admin mode can now see the Subscription page. This allows them to explore the full range and costs of products and services available to add to your platform. Users will also be able to quotes but cannot place an order unless they already have the required permission.     


Increased permissions for action officers in the Reporting registers   6878762699

A user assigned to carry out a task in the Incident, Improvement, Repairs or Feedback registers can now edit the information on the Details form if required. This access is only granted while the item is assigned to them for action. This is very helpful, for example,  when the user reporting an item needs to update or complete the information originally provided. All changes made will be displayed in the System event history.