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April 2024: Injury classification field

A strong safety reporting process will help you identify health and safety issues, why they occurred and how to fix them. Workplace Health and Safety  reporting, in particular, needs to provide relevant, robust and timely information to inform decisions that influence ongoing business performance. 

Logiqc is proud to announce that we are taking steps to enhance your incident reporting to better record and report on workplace injuries. 

When you report an incident, you can already record specific details about the people involved and the injuries they may have experienced. This is done in the Persons involved component. Now there is a new field in this component called Injury classification

New Injury classification field

With this new field, you can describe the type of treatment required for an individual who has been injured. Like the other fields in the component, it's compulsory. Also like the other fields, your system administrator has full control over the menu options lists. To get you started, we've added the following standard industry options as default values in your platform:   

  • First Aid Injury (FAI)    
  • Lost Time Injury (LTI)    
  • Medical Treatment Injury (MTI)    
  • No Treatment Injury (NTI)    
  • Notifiable Incident (NI)

Read more about WHS reporting