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Add-on features available for subscription

These features are available to expand the functionality of your Logiqc platform. 

If you are interested in any of these add-ons and would like to learn more or book a demonstration, click here and select the option 'I'd like to know more about additional licences, registers or features' and our Customer Success team will get in touch.

Add-on feature

Related register


Property management

Assets register

Allows property managers to allocate properties and manage tenancy and generates an online report for users to view availability of properties/accommodation bookings.

Asset Bookings

Assets register

Allows users to 'book-out' assets and resources such as vehicles, computers, and meeting rooms. With SSO activated, bookings automatically populate the user's Outlook calendar.  

Contract Workflow Builder

Contracts register

Allows contract managers to build customised workflows to manage contracts. Each workflow stage can be named and pre-populated with standard instructions for each user in the workflow.  

Business Rules Builder


Simplifies data entry for users and enables greater control of how events are coded. Ensure reported events (incidents, feedback, improvements, and repairs) are assigned to the right person every time. ​

Business rules can automate the completion of six fields based on user selection of key fields. 

Business Rules Builder gives you more control, adds built-in intelligence to how events are coded, ensures events are managed as per the organisation's policy, and reduces the risk of critical issues being overlooked.

Single Sign On (SSO) + User Provisioning

Whole of platform

SSO provides user authentication using your existing identity management platform and LogiqcQMS User Provisioning allows for central management of users.

Implementing LogiqcQMS SSO+User Provisioning is the first step in building trusted experiences for your users and strengthening identity management and security in your organisation.

LogiqcQMS SSO+User Provisioning is currently available for Azure Active Directory Services. Compatibility with other identity management platforms can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

User generated ID numbers for assets


Create your own ID numbers for assets (6-9 characters). The Logiqc ID number is hidden and your own number displays in numerical order on the register.

User generated ID numbers for documents, contracts and records


Create your own ID numbers for documents, contracts and records (6-9 characters). The Logiqc ID number is hidden and your own number displays in numerical order on the registers.

Controlled actions


Ensure adverse events are managed in accordance with your organisation's policy and procedures.

Pre-programed action ‘sequences’ can be setup that enable managers to select when responding to an incident, complaint, repair/maintenance request or non-conformance. Also available for general feedback and improvement suggestions.

This feature, which will be applied to all reporting registers that are activated in the QMS (Feedback, Incidents, Repairs, and Improvement) and includes a dashboard widget for monitoring the status of controlled actions that are open.

Task Instructions





Allows you to pre-program instructions for your staff to follow that relate to your scheduled items such as Audits or Training.

This feature is available for all Management registers (Audit, Compliance, Licensing, Training)

VHIMS Integration


The VHIMS integration feature allows for all incident data to be captured and automatically transferred to the VHIMS database managed by the Victorian Agency for Health Information.

Webform Integration with the Feedback register


Link your company's website to the Logiqc Feedback register to automatically create customer feedback, complaints and queries from your website directly in the Feedback register.

Note: Add-on features are generally non-reversible